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i was 20 at the time i found out that i was pregnant. for weeks in december, i felt incredibly hungry, my lower back was in searing pain a majority of the time, and my pelvic bones physically felt like they were stretching out and growing. i disregarded it as growing pains since i was still young.


i am 23 years old. i had my abortion in may of this year. i have never wanted children. i have never wanted to carry a thing inside of me that is not part of me. the very thought chills me to the bone.


i had an abortion in june. the guy who got me pregnant also got another girl pregnant (his girlfriend) who decided to keep it. i was sixteen, a junior in high school, and terrified.


thirty years ago i had an abortion and have no regrets. i was 30 years old, divorced and raising my four year old daughter. i was being responsible and using birth control (diaphram) and it failed. i was six weeks pregnant when i had the abortion, and it was the most difficult decision i've ever had to make.


i got pregnant a year and a half ago, when i was 22, and you know what, i wanted to have it. i wanted to have it but the “father” didn’t. he went through something of a four stage reaction.


i had my first abortion when i have 18. the only person who knew was my boyfriend, he didn't handle it well and didn't realize how hard it was for me.

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