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my boyfriend and i had been very lax on protection and said that if we ever happen to get pregnant we would raise the child since we are both in our late 20's and early thirties respectively and had the financial & insurance means to do so.


tengo 23 años, soy de una familia de clase 世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 y sufro de depresion endogena. quede embarazada a los 15 años, en chile en aborto no es legal ni tampoco tenia dinero asi que tube que tener a mi hija.


i had an abortion during my third year of college. i was an out-of-state student who was working hard to pay my own way through school.


as a full time nanny, i've seen everything it takes to be good parents. i look at parenting as an important choice. one to be taken seriously after emotional preparation, financial planning, and a stabilized life.


i was 22 years old and was in my 2nd semester of my lab tech program. i was in (still am) this wonderful relationship with my boyfriend.

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