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finding out: i found out i was pregnant monday, february 9, 2014 at a clinic nearby my work. before giving me a pregnancy test, the doctor assured me i probably was not pregnant.


i was 21 years old and facing the darkest period of my young life. i knew in my subconscious the moment i became pregnant but couldn't begin to face.


tenia 28 años, un hombre bueno y comprensivo como esposo y un hermoso hijo de tres años. habia logrado obtener el trabajo que siempre desee y por fin ese año que apenas comenzaba se veia prospero y lleno de proyectos hasta que el preservativo se rompio.


i was 28 years old and had a good husband and a beautiful three year old son. i had managed to get the job i always wanted, and finally this year looked prosperous and full of projects until the condom broke.


i am 30 years old and just had an abortion last week. it was not a difficult decision; as soon as i saw the pregnancy test i knew i could not have this child.


i was 33, divorced with two little boys. i was struggling to provide for them. my doctor discovered a breast lump and i had no health insurance and was terrified about who would take care of my boys if i died.

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