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i was 17 years old, and had been with my boyfriend for 5 years. we were young and dumb, and i never thought i would actually get pregnant. i was very wrong.


the condom broke. i felt it and i knew. the next week, i went to the clinic at college and did a stick pregnancy test. it came back positive. i was 20 and not ready to be pregnant, but the condom had broken.


i'd been on the pill for 20 years and wanted to stop just to see what my body and moods would feel without the steady stream of hormones. i considered getting my tubes tied, but that seemed like a lot of surgery for not that many years of fertility left.


i was 31 years old and happily married to a supportive husband. we were trying to conceive, and after 9 long months, i was finally pregnant. we were both very excited and looking forward to a new addition to the family.

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