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i was 23 and in the worst days of my life. i was confused about what i wanted from life and i was living in a place where those who surrounded me had a great influence on me.


i had just been accepted into a university after a hard year with my father and step mother and moving out suddenly to get away from them. i was 19 years old living with my boyfriend of 2 almost 3 years when i found out that i was pregnant.


i had been married for 3 years and was beginning my final year of university. after removing my nuva ring i waited and waited for my period.


my boyfriend and me have a 4 year old daughter, and just recently had our 5 month old baby girl. we also have full custody of his child from a previous marriage.


i'm a freshman in college, 18 years old and had no idea what i'd gotten myself into. it was late fall and as football season winded down i met a nice guy.

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