i've been pro choice since i was old enough to understand the politics of abortion. i found out i was pregnant at 18 and made the decision to parent. i felt capable, and i was ok with the idea of being a mom.
i've been pro choice since i was old enough to understand the politics of abortion. i found out i was pregnant at 18 and made the decision to parent. i felt capable, and i was ok with the idea of being a mom.
it was seven years ago, i was 25. i still have the questionnaire from the doctors visit. one question asked "do you want to be pregnant? yes/no." i put an x through both.
i never expected i would have an abortion. i supported it being a legal procure, but out of a sense of ethics and feminism, not because i expected to need one.
i didn't realize i was pregnant until i was at least 9 weeks. i've been off and on birth control pills since i was 15 and am now 21, i'd never gotten pregnant before and actually started to wonder whether i was even fertile because i wasn't always the best at taking my pills on time...
i was 18. despite the "usual" rhetoric (which i think sometimes is more rhetoric than fact) it wasn't a hard decision, it wasn't a life changing decision.