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when i got pregnant the second time i had a one year old son. i was still suffering from postpartum depression and my boyfriend (my son's father) was less than supportive, if not already abusive.


when i was 25, 5 years ago, i was with a man that i thought was the one. we had been together for 7 years at that point, living together, everything except marriage.


i was 20 when i had my abortion. it was a three day surgical abortion. i was 17 weeks and didn't have enough money to pay for it until that happened i honestly thought i was about 10 because my periods have always been a little shotty.


in feb 2014, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. we got pregnant the night before he started chemo and hadn't had sex until after he completed chemo. however, during the diagnostic phase he and i were exposed to radiation.

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