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my first was at 17. i did it because i was ganged raped and had no idea who the father was
and knew raising that child would be a daily reminder of a traumatic event. not a fair situation for any child to be raised.


last year, i had an abortion. i'd done everything "right"- i was only seeing one man, i was using birth control, i was being "responsible." but i had an iud and it turns out that i also have a heart shaped uterus, rendering my iud basically ineffective.


‪#standwithpp‬ i never wanted kids. i got pregnant in college when i was 17. it was within the first 3 months of a horrid relationship.


it's been 3 days since my abortion. i'm 20, a college student and i have been with my boyfriend for 4 years. i got pregnant my first time having sex.

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