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i was a 22 year-old college senior. i had been on the pill since i was 17 and i was pretty used to it. the guy that i was seeing and i broke up in november and in december went home for winter break.


i was exactly halfway through graduate school. i wanted to finish, and continue a career in my field. even though i had an iud, i discovered i was pregnant.


this saturday marks four weeks since i broke off a five year relationship with my boyfriend, who i had hoped to spend the rest of my life with, and asked him to move out.


i was in my 30s years old at the time. i had always wanted a baby - eventually - but due to pursuing my education, becoming financially stable, and finding the right partner, the time hadn't previously been right.


2010: i was 16 years old and my boyfriend and i were in an on again off again relationship for the past year. we had sex without a condom and i missed my period.


i was 26. we had been together a few short months when my birth control pills failed. i woke up one morning, vomiting, thinking i had the flu.

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