my husband and i had been married for just six months when i found out i was pregnant. he was in grad school and working part time; i was working full time.
my husband and i had been married for just six months when i found out i was pregnant. he was in grad school and working part time; i was working full time.
i am currently 18 years old and a college student with a part time job. i live on campus and have been with my boyfriend for almost a full year and all of my first year of college.
it was wednesday, may 6th, 2015 when i found out that i was pregnant. i had been taking birth control religiously for about two years, but it was difficult to get my prescriptions regularly since i moved to a different city for college.
in 1968 abortion was not legal. i was 19, wildly in love, naive and unready to have a child. an abortion was arranged with an md.
i started dealing with this guy when i was around 19 years old. we didn't have sex im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely, we waited a few months but once we started we barely ever used protection.