i was a 23-year-old alcoholic and drug addict. by god's grace, i went into rehab and got sober in april of '92. i got pregnant the first week out of treatment.
i was a 23-year-old alcoholic and drug addict. by god's grace, i went into rehab and got sober in april of '92. i got pregnant the first week out of treatment.
the pregnancy that i terminated was very much wanted and planned. but at 16 weeks, an ultrasound showed that there was not enough amniotic fluid.
when i tell a friend that i aborted my third pregnancy in my 30s, quite often she'll share details about her abortion experience.
i was a 24-year-old single mom of a five-year-old when i found out i was pregnant despite precautionary measures.
i have had 2 miscarriages despite being on birth control and should i get pregnant again i will likely miscarry. again.