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i had a medical abortion when i was 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. i was a single mother of two children already and in an unstable relationship. when we found out i was pregnant, he became even more distant and still. i knew i wouldn’t be able to fairly raise another child on my own without having a traumatic effect on my other children.


we'd decided a year ago that i would stop birth control because of difficulties with side effects, and in combination with our usual withdrawal method and ovulation tracking, we thought we'd be fine.


i had a suction abortion at 4.5 weeks pregnant yesterday.
i read lots of stories hoping to find more details than i did about the process itself,
so i've decided to write out my experience for other woman who are scared about their first abortion.


i’m 24 i found i was pregnant about a week after my boyfriend left for army deployment 7000 miles away and wouldn’t be home for about 10 months.

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