abortion was my ticket to a happy, successful, prosperous future.
when i was 18, i got pregnant due to birth control failure. i had an abortion and never looked back. i felt no regret. only "phew!"
abortion was my ticket to a happy, successful, prosperous future.
when i was 18, i got pregnant due to birth control failure. i had an abortion and never looked back. i felt no regret. only "phew!"
i was 20 years old, and my boyfriend and i were living in his parents' house - both of us working low-paying restaurant jobs. when i learned that i was pregnant, i knew the timing wasn't good, but was still ecstatic at the thought of the life growing inside me.
i found out i was pregnant when i was 32. i had a 13 year old at the time. i called my boyfriend (also the father of my 13 year old) and told him. i was crying hysterically. i knew that i didn't want another child, but didn't "believe" in abortion unless you were raped. this was my own personal belief at the time. i didn't preach or anything like that.
i am 27 and just had my first abortion.
i grew up in a place where, surprisingly, abstinence-only sex education is taught. i was the only person out of my friends who didn't get pregnant or have a child before the age of 18.
in 1975, i was 17 years old. abortion had only been legal for about two years. i found myself pregnant and, of course, was unwilling and unable to care for a child.
i got pregnant in 1997 with a guy who seduced me and manipulated me into a relationship with him. we used condoms every time, so i was in shock when i found out i got pregnant.