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nicole, photographed by joy imani bullock

"a major battle i faced from going through an abortion is the guilt. i kept thinking, ‘i must bring a child into this world one day’ as if i owed it to the universe in some way. i no longer think in this manner. my life will be fulfilled no matter what happens, children or no children.”

molly, photographed by solange azor

"it feels wonderful to be able to fight for reproductive rights by simply telling my story. it’s such a simple act, but it makes me feel extremely powerful. i get to write the narrative around my abortion, only me. abortion deserves to be front and center, and i’m gunna show it off!”

mallory, photographed by lauren hilary voss

my friends supported me through the process and my health insurance paid the bill. i had paid time off from work, so taking time to attend my appointment and recover afterwards wasn’t a problem. i know my experience isn’t common for people in ohio. we’ve seen restriction after restriction making it harder for people to access abortion care when they need it.

latoya, photographed by kiara williams

“i was 16, a junior in high school. my boyfriend was abusive. i couldn’t bring a child into that. i had a bright future, so many goals and aspirations. i promised myself whenever i brought a child in this world, i would give him or her the best life possible. i made the best decision for that child and for myself."

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