despite using birth control, i discovered i was pregnant at the age of 20. there was no thinking in my decision, my automatic response was to terminate.
despite using birth control, i discovered i was pregnant at the age of 20. there was no thinking in my decision, my automatic response was to terminate.
i was twenty one years old. it was 1973. i was engaged to be married the summer after i graduated. i was attending a baptist university, getting ready to do my student teaching.
i was 20 years old when my abortion happened. my boyfriend and i were in the early stages of our relationship, and we were also 180 miles apart.
i felt like a stereotype. i was 16 years old and had just lost my virginity when i found out i was pregnant.
i was 25 and had just become engaged... not very dramatic. but, i am glad to be telling my story in a somewhat public way.