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i was 31 years old and happily married to a supportive husband. we were trying to conceive, and after 9 long months, i was finally pregnant. we were both very excited and looking forward to a new addition to the family.


i'm an only child. i'm pretty sure my mom didn't want me. even through this hard truth, she still remains the love of my life. she described my conception as a 'planned accident'. my dad wanted a litter and my mom wanted none.


it was my junior year in high school and i was 17 years old, a and b honor roll student and, i had been with my boyfriend for about 5 years that year. the day before valentines day, year of 2015, i had found out i was pregnant,the first person i told was him, he was thrilled, i on the other hand was not.


everything happened more a year ago. i was dating a guy everything was going well it wasn't until we moved in together that the emotional and physical abuse started.


it really pisses me off that i feel the need to label myself here as anonymous, but due to living at my conservative christian parent's house (even at the age of 30), i will have to continue hiding this.


i was 16 years old when i became pregnant by an emotionally abusive boyfriend. i knew that i could not take care of a child when i was still so young myself. i also knew that if i had the baby, i would be connected to this abusive man for the rest of my life.

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