youth activists need you
喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 relies on the support of activists and donors like you. your donation supports youth activists’ efforts to change communities for the better.
other ways to support
in addition to online donations, there are a variety of other ways to further our mission.
grab some merch!
rock some afy merch to show your support for youth activists. proceeds help fund our campaigns, programs, and resources.
donate to amaze
喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 is the fiscal sponsor for amaze, a collaboration with answer and youth tech health. together these organizations are creating a series of engaging, funny and informative videos about puberty and sexual development for young adolescents and the adults who care about them. one hundred percent of your donation to 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 will be designated as a contribution towards the amaze project.
snail mail
mail a check made payable to 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 , 1325 g street nw, suite 980 washington, dc 20005.
give the perfect gift
do you have someone in your life who is celebrating a special occasion? instead of filling their life with more material possessions, give them a world where young people have a secure stake in the future. we will send them an email acknowledging your gift and information about the organization and the young people we support.
remember someone special
remember a loved one who wanted their legacy to be a world where young people were valued, supported and have access to vital reproductive and sexual health information and services by making a gift in their name. we will send an acknowledgment email to whomever you designate to inform them of your thoughtful gift.
workplace giving
喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 accepts matching gifts from all companies. if your employer matches donations, it’s easy to multiply your contribution exponentially. some companies double—and even triple—their employees’ gifts. if you make a gift to advocates, please consult your company’s human resources department to see whether they offer a gift-matching program. if they do, many employers will provide a form for you to fill out and send to us along with your donation.
volunteer opportunities
there are ways to support 喀麦隆vs巴西波胆分析 that include, and go beyond a financial gift. if you have an area of expertise and want to lend your knowledge to advocates’ mission, please email or call paris l. a. moore, director of development at (202) 419-3420 ext. 124 or if you want to host an event in advocates’ honor or donate event proceeds, let us know what you are up to and how we can help make your event a success. examples include house parties, fireside chats with youth activists and emerging leaders of the progressive movement or social 世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 fundraisers.
gifts of stock
advocates welcomes gifts of stock, bonds, and other appreciated assets. if you would like to donate securities, email paris l. a. moore, director of development.
your legacy
if you are thinking about worthy organizations to support for years to come, advocates offers sample language to use in bequests. please email paris l. a. moore, director of development to discuss your interests.