my abortions are my biggest regret in life and the one thing i would change if wishes could come true. if, like my mother, i was later blessed with children, i probably wouldn’t feel as deep of a regret. she imagined that the souls from her abortions were encarnated later when we were born. i had an abortion in 1996 and again in 1999. my regret colors my life as i am now 50 and never got to be pregnant again, and a series of health challenges have taken over my life following these abortions. the first abortion i had been careless with my boyfriend because i didn’t think i was fertile. most of my friends had more than one abortion and at 25 i was starting to think i couldn’t get pregnant. a month before i was moving across the country to start grad school, i learned i was pregnant. it the time it was a no-brainer. my life was ahead of me and staying in this small town with this lover boyfriend wasn’t how my story was going to go. so i had an abortion, moved to boston and became depressed for the first time in my life and have suffered with on/off depression ever since. the second abortion my boyfriend’s condom broke. we wanted to keep our baby but i was too scared since i didn’t have a job or career yet (just graduated with an mfa) and my boyfriend didn’t have his life together. (don’t sleep with men who aren’t ready to be fathers.) i was scared to become a welfare single mother like my mother had been. i’m not pro-life but i do think more counseling and support is needed for women with unexpected pregnancies. i wish someone had helped me be brave and trust that i could still be a success and a mother given my circumstances. within two years of that 2nd abortion i was diagnosed with graves disease and within 5 years uterine fibroids. i haven’t been able to get pregnant again and i’m now 50 years old.