
in 1961 at the age of 19 and still living at home with my parents, i had an illegal back alley abortion and began to slowly bleed almost to death. at that time in my life, i would rather be dead than pregnant.
i did finally go see a doctor who asked no questions, & did not judge me and put me in the hospital for a d&c that stopped the bleeding. by that time, i had bled for weeks and had lost muscle control.
i remember reports of women dying from perforated uterus due to coat hanger abortions and the reports of babies found in trash cans. we should never go back to those days.
i know there are still women who feel like i did and would still risk death rather than carry a pregnancy they do not want to term. they should have the right to a risk free abortion.
if you go back to making them illegal, they will still be done, just back in the back alleys where more women will die.