

i never knew that i would find love in a new city. i moved to the south west for a year to work with a non-profit. having the opportunity to date exclusively scared me because i didn’t want to get too attached knowing i’d have to leave in a year, but i gave it a shot. after dating for six months the unexpected happened. i had missed my period. i didn’t know if it was just my birth control messing with me as it had before or if i actually was pregnant. the first test came out negative but i waited a week and took another one- positive. i just couldn’t believe it. i had missed one pill! im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely i knew that i wanted an abortion but as time went by i settled into the realm of possibilities. my boyfriend was supportive at first and told me he would support any decision i made but i think reality set in and he changed his tune. i knew it was the right decision but i still had a glimmer of hope. even when we were at the clinic i was hoping that seeing the ultrasound would convince me to keep it but i guess all i could see was an unstable future ahead. i now know that once i gain stability in my life i will be able to go through with a pregnancy when i decide i’m ready.