

abortion was my ticket to a happy, successful, prosperous future.

when i was 18, i got pregnant due to birth control failure. i had an abortion and never looked back. i felt no regret. only “phew!”

if i’d had a baby at 18, i would have given up college, study abroad, graduate school, a great career, and lots of amazing relationships. i would have dropped out, gone on welfare, lived in public housing, and worst of all, devastated my parents who saved all their lives to give me a bright future.

in addition to education and career, i owe a fabulous marriage to my abortion. my husband wouldn’t have given me a 2nd look if i’d been a single parent. sorry… but some men don’t want to deal with someone else’s kids.

instead of a sad, lonely, frustrating life as a penniless single mother, i lead a financially and romantically secure life. i’ve got 2 wonderful kids, and i had them when we were good and ready.

the anti-choicers who say women suffer from “post abortion syndrome” don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

p.s. the boyfriend from when i was 18? he never had a successful relationship or a real job. he’s now in his 40’s and lives with his mother.