

i got pregnant in 1997 with a guy who seduced me and manipulated me into a relationship with him. we used condoms every time, so i was in shock when i found out i got pregnant.

i was raised catholic and my culture is mexican, i also had a close friend who was very involved in the pro-life movement before it was popular. because of my exposure to the issue of abortion, i had had thought things through and i was firmly pro-choice. when the time came to face my own decision, it was easy to make, but i was also convinced i was going to hell for this. i felt that i would rather go to hell than be stuck with this guy for the rest of my life. i wanted children, but with the right man.
i’m grateful for the ease with which i was able to get the abortion, and i’m glad i never had to walk past protesters. today i work across the street from a planned parenthood. there are protesters in front of pp all the time. it makes me sad that women have to deal with them. i find it so upsetting that people think they have a right to force their religious beliefs on others. there are so many problems in this world, i wish these “well-meaning” people would spend their time doing good in the world like helping living children who are starving/abused/living in poverty, protecting the environment for future generations, stopping gmo’s, etc.