

in 1975, i was 17 years old. abortion had only been legal for about two years. i found myself pregnant and, of course, was unwilling and unable to care for a child.

i got my abortion through planned parenthood. they saved my life! i have not had one moment of regret since. by the time i was 14 years old, i knew that i did not want to have children. i am 55 years old now and still happily child free. had i not had access to legal abortion i would have done anything to end the pregnancy… up to and including endangering my own life. i am not a brood mare, i should not be forced to carry a fetus to term just because other people think i should. as long as the fetus is dependent upon my body, it is my right to do with it as i please. it is a decision that only i can make. politicians should not be able to dictate our medical choices.