
one in three american women will have an abortion in her lifetime. i am one of them. at 23 years old i found myself faced with an unintended pregnancy. i was shocked. i had always been careful. as a young, and very fertile woman, learned the hard way that contraception does not always work. i had no idea what to do.

i knew that there was no way that i was ready to be a parent, financially or otherwise. the young man involved was more of a “boy-fun” than a boyfriend. he definitely did not want to become a parent either. however, he told me he would support my decision, whatever i may decide.

i went to planned parenthood to talk to someone. they provided me with wonderful counseling. i was not judged for my mistake. i was treated with dignity. my counselor helped me explore my feelings regarding parenthood, abortion and adoption. i was given information on local adoption agencies, should i choose that route. i was given information on aid available to me should i qualify and decide to become a parent. i was also given information on abortion. it was the most difficult decision that i have ever been faced with in my life. in the end, i realized that i was not ready to have a child and that i was not emotionally ready to carry a child to term, only to give it up to someone else. abortion was the best choice for me at that time in my life.

i chose to have my abortion at a regular gynecological office. i did not want to subject myself to showing up at a clinic with protesters outside. i did not want to have to be escorted inside. this was my private medical decision. it was not a decision that i was going to allow anyone to demean. i was lucky in this sense. it was 1992 and doctors were still performing abortions in their office. i walked in and walked out without anyone knowing why i was at the office. after the procedure, i mourned for quite a while. however, i have never doubted my decision.

abortion must remain safe, accessible, and legal.