

i was irresponsible. end of story. i wish that i had more guidance from my mother or doctors on which type of birth control would have best for me, i.e.- a non-hormonal iud. but they didn’t, and i would forget to take the pill. it also made me erratic. i’m convinced the hormones didn’t jive with my chemistry. anyway, 3 abortions later and i finally got the iud at 38. i regret to say that i did use abortion as a means of birth control but i also don’t blame myself. i needed help and i didn’t receive it. so, as someone who slipped through the cracks, i am tremendously grateful for legal abortion and the morning after pill. i never had an abortion that was over 6 weeks. i would have been a bad mother because i was ill-equipped to take care of myself, let alone a child. in the end, abortion was the most selfless decision i could have made. but you won’t hear that from the pro-lifers.