

i was in my second semester of college when i found out that i was pregnant. i had just broken up with my boyfriend 3 days previous to finding out.

the relationship had been in a downward spiral ever since i moved away for college. at the time, i was living in a dorm room i shared with one other person. i had no car, no job, no support system, and no health insurance. it was a very scary time in my life for me seeing as i had just turned 18 six months before. some people told me that i should give the baby up for adoption, but even then i had no insurance and very little money to pay for doctors visits until i found an adoptive family. i hadn’t told anyone in my family yet, because i wasn’t absolutely certain about what i was going to do. i was trying to keep it as quiet as i possibly could until i knew for sure what my decision was. i decided that an abortion was the right option for me. i was a freshman in college and i didn’t want anything to step in between my education and i. i also knew that there was no way i could provide a good life for this child. i was only 9 weeks along when i had the procedure done. when i went in to the office they had to take a sonogram and that lady asked if i wanted to see it because she was obligated to by law – which i think is pretty crappy. it was a very hard decision, but i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that i made the right decision.