

i am a single mother of two children. when i was pregnant with my first, i knew i could do it – all alone. and i did. no problem. i got pregnant after her (twice), but aborted because i knew i couldn’t do right by them. a few years later, i got pregnant but couldn’t afford the abortion – which was a great thing! ever since my son was born – i have not regretted having him.

however, i got pregnant a few more times after this (btw: all the same man, hence the abortions cause he was … uninvolved in the daily necessities, if you will. over a 7 year span). i aborted those children and in 2008 finally got a procedure done to ensure i had no more.

did i have a lot of pregnancies but only two were born? yes. do i regret it? yes – i’ve always wanted a large family. do i know in my heart it was the right and best thing to do? yes.

thankfully, god has provided me with a wonderful man with 6 children of his own. so … i got my large family, can provide for them and raise them right and proper.

no one can judge me but god and myself. i have to live with this. so … stay outta my uterus! lol