

i had an abortion in the late 1970’s. i was typical of teenagers of that time. living for the moment, experimenting with drugs and drinking. when i found out i was pregnant my boyfriend basically told me i was on my own. i went to a local clinic where the people were compassionate and gave me various alternatives to having an abortion. i never once thought about having the baby. i was young, immature and knew my parents were not going to be supportive of raising an infant. my mother found out i was pregnant and gave me support and love during this very difficult time. after the procedure, i remember laying on the table and crying. it was in no way an easy decision and it would be something i would live with forever. there is rarely a day that goes by that i don’t think about what i did. i look at my two grown daughters and wonder what that child would have been. that said, i am so glad that i had the legal right to make the choice i felt best for me at the time. it was my choice not someone else’s and although it was difficult to live with, i know it was really the only option.