

in my sophomore year in high school, i met a someone that i thought understood me completely. we were both victims of rape when we were younger. we experimented with each other because we were a bit broken. this was the beginning of a toxic relationship that we would share for two years. every day we were going further into a depression together, and towards the end of our romantic relationship i got pregnant. i was in denial for two months, and i was left behind by him. every day i went through emotional downs and never got up. i eventually told my parents and got an abortion at the last day possible. they gave me an ultrasound, and that was when i really saw what i was doing. every day i tried to convince myself that i wasn’t killing him. later on, i couldn’t even stand any sexual contact with the same guy, but he still continued to take advantage of me. i was with a monster. although now i do think back to it. when i think about my future i don’t feel like it will end after graduating. i’m still going, but i just won’t ever forget.