

when i was in high school my first “real” boyfriend and i would talk about what would happen if i ever got pregnant. young and in love we agreed we would keep that child. now its been years and i have a new boyfriend and i did become pregnant at 21. i was so scared i knew i wasn’t ready and right away the thought of abortion came to mind. “could i really do this?” i would think that many nights before my appointment at planned parenthood. the day of the ultrasound i wasn’t sure if i wanted to see how big that ball of cells was. but i did want to see so i can remind myself much later that it was a good idea. i was scared about my choices. take the pill and it would be over with heavy bleeding? or the “vacuum” which would take a few hours but had to stay there to make sure i was alright? the pill was my choice. it hurt like a normal period but became intense for a few hours. i have learned that i shouldn’t have to feel bad for what i have chose. i want to become a police officer, i can’t become one and finish school while having a baby. my sister had just finished having her first child—my parents, i couldn’t do that to them. it seems selfish at first but it was the right thing to do.