
when i was in my early 20’s i had a serious drug problem. thankfully, through the support of friends and a wonderful new man in my life, i was able to quit using meth for good. during this difficult time, that wonderful man and i made a mistake and i ended up pregnant. unable to imagine having a child (who was likely conceived while there were still drugs in my system) at that age, while being under-employed, living with roommates, and unable to tell my family about the drugs or the baby, we choose to terminate the pregnancy.

i did not come to the decision lightly. i did not come to the decision on a whim. but never once in the last seven years have i regretted that decision. i am now a successful and gainfully employed woman, supporting myself and living in my own place, and no longer with the wonderful man that i was with so many years ago. it was the absolute best decision that i could have made for myself, my family, and the child that wasn’t meant to be.