

i haven’t spoken about my abortion to anyone in a very long time and then only to my closest friend and husband. i haven’t avoided speaking about it;
it just never seems to fit in any conversation…
my husband and i had decided not to have children. and then while taking some medication for a gynecological problem and while thinking i couldn’t get pregnant, we had unprotected sex and i did. the medication was contraindicated for pregnant women as it was known to cause birth defects. for the two above reasons i decided to terminate the pregnancy. there had never been any question. i have not missed the child it might have been. during the brief pregnancy i felt fine — no morning sickness, and looked well.
i had the abortion as soon after i found i was pregnant as possible. this was in the 1970’s after roe v. wade. having the procedure done was easy and dignified. i would wish that for all women and girls.
i have never had any other children or another pregnancy.