

when i was 21 and in college i found out i was pregnant.

my friend make some comment about her period and i realized i hadn’t had mine since may and it was july. i called my newly ex-boyfriend and told him i needed him to come talk to me in person.

he said, “you’re going to have to tell me why. then asked, “are you pregnant?” i broke down into tears and he said he was on his way. he wasn’t ready to be a dad and i wasn’t ready to be a mom. he took me to a clinic where i found out i was 6 weeks pregnant. i asked to be put under for the abortion; i didn’t want to be awake for it. i woke up and it was over. i felt pressure from my mom and my ex, but they were both right: we weren’t ready to be parents.

here i am 8 years later, i have a masters degree (not sure if i would’ve finished college if i’d had that baby), i’m married and i have a baby that i am finally ready for.