

it was 5 years ago. i was single, working two jobs, and trying to stay on top of my mountain of student loan debt. birth control was not on my mind at that point because i worked all the time and i didn’t have a steady boyfriend let alone time to date.

one night i was out with some friends having a few drinks and ran into an old friend i hadn’t seen in years. we chatted and caught up until the sun came up and decided to get together the following week. we did, we went out and had a great time and one thing led to another. we did the same the following week.

we were both busy people and i didn’t notice i had missed my period until a few days before my best friends wedding. i im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely went to the drug store and bought a test. positive. it felt surreal and i was in denial after that first test. so i went back to the store and bought two more. both positive. hyperventilaton set in and i was unsure where to go at this point. i called my roommate and cried to her that i could not be a mother. she said she would support me no matter what i did. she urged me to contact the father. i did and he was just as freaked out as i was. he asked me what i wanted to do. i told him and he agreed with me 100%. we were never a couple. just a fling. he met me at the clinic the following week. he paid for half the procedure. i thanked him for being supportive. we hugged and i have not seen nor heard from him since. i am not surprised because i never contacted him either.
i do not regret for one second the choice we made. i say we because it was as much my choice as it was his.