

i was 12 when i first became pregnant. i had just lost my virginity and had moved with my father. i was used to guys making advances at me, as i had just recently began to grow a body.

i started having sex with multiple guys in the neighborhood and soon after moved back with my mom. she knew i was pregnant im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely and insisted i get an abortion.

i remember going to a hotel shortly afterwards because she wasn’t sure how i’d take it and found it best to put me in a secluded area, away from my younger brother. i would have been 13 by the time i had the child. my second abortion was with my high school sweetheart. i was 14 and heavily sexually active. again, i told my mom and decided to have another abortion. my boyfriend didn’t have much to say; he was a silent bystander who wanted to be as unattached as possible in an effort to not gain feelings for a child who would not make it into the world. 16, i was pregnant again by my high school sweetheart. he was a high school football star and i was a cheerleader. i remember gaining an outrageous amount of weight and his friends asking whether or not i was pregnant. it was a difficult point in my life, as he continued to play football but i had to sit out to heal after the abortion. my last abortion was in 2013, i was 19 and had unprotected sex with a guy who went to a university near mine. we had known each other very briefly and neither one of us insisted on using protection. now, i’m 21 and i can honestly reflect back on my life and realize how lost i was. i have always been very sexually active and have run from one boyfriend to the next. abortions can hard for a person emotionally; for me, i was more emotionally affected far after the im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 te abortion. more females than you may think have abortions. i judge myself more harshly because i have had so many, but i have new self-respect for myself, i am not as interested in being sexually active with guys. i am beginning to consider abstinence until marriage. whatever your story, know that you are not alone!