
it was wednesday 6th of may 2015 that i found out i was pregnant- shock, nervousness and fear consumed me.

my first thought straight away was ‘i need to get rid of this-i’m too young’. i still had to finish my studies, have a successful career and be with my adoring boyfriend (who was 100% with me!). i wanted a medical abortion because i was a little shy of someone looking at my private parts, but they didn’t have anything available. so surgical it was. i went in today (11th may). i was super nervous, not because i was having an abortion, more what it would feel like after. i went into have an ultrasound, i was 6 weeks pregnant. i then went into the theatre room where i was administered anesthetic. i was lucky enough to have a female doctor which i am extremely grateful for. i would’ve felt more uncomfortable if it was a male doctor. i woke up 15mins later in recovery and my boyfriend came and waiting with me. i had no pain, a little bit of blood and felt a little dizzy (from anesthetic). i was allowed to leave 1/2 later. i’m sitting here now, sharing my story with no pain and the only blood i have is when i pee and wipe. it really isn’t as bad as you think, the most stressful part for me is wondering if my vagina was normal looking hahah.