
i’m not ashamed. i am happy with my decision. i was 25. married mother of 2. i had had an m/c 2 years earlier which had made me really sad. my husband and i had hit a rough spot financially. i should have been on bc but it would have costed gas money to get it and we didn’t have it.

so we had unprotected sex when i was ovulating. i got pregnant. i didn’t know it at the time. my period always comes on a 28-day cycle. that september it didn’t. i knew i had to be pregnant. test confirmed i was. i knew we couldn’t keep it. i had always been pro-choice. i knew my options. my husband and i talked and we knew we had to think about the baby. how we didn’t want to get on assistance of any kind. so i made the appointment and we figured out a way to raise $600 so i could get the abortion. he was there with me every second. it wasn’t scary like they make it out to be on tv. it’s been almost 3 years and i know i made the best choice for me and my family.