

i was 17 years old, and had been with my boyfriend for 5 years. we were young and dumb, and i never thought i would actually get pregnant. i was very wrong.

after 2 months of having unprotected sex, i began to feel extremely thirsty and having intense cravings. i took a pregnancy test and was shocked to see 2 lines. i wasn’t sad, i was actually shocked and almost happy because i always wanted to be a mother. i told my boyfriend and he assured me we would be ok. we started to think of names and we’re really getting excited, that is, until i told my mom. she went off the deep end, physically attacked me calling me a slut and a whore. she said that if i didn’t get an abortion i couldn’t live there because i was an embarrassment to my family. i had no job, no car, and no place to go. i would wake up in the middle of the night with my mom 2 inches from my face, telling me i was a whore and i was going to hell. i was scared out of my mind and thought that my only option was to get the abortion. i stopped talking to my boyfriend because i didn’t want him to know and i was so upset about the entire situation. i got the abortion at 9 weeks pregnant, and it was the most emotionally and physically painful thing i’ve ever been through. i regret it every single day of my life and cry all the time, and it has been almost 8 years. my boyfriend and i are still together and expecting a baby in 4 weeks. i will never forgive myself for what i did to that poor innocent baby. and don’t think he will either. i hope one girl will read this and know that there are other sources she can turn to, and only you should be the one to make that decision for yourself. i wish somebody would have told me those things.