

everything happened more a year ago. i was dating a guy everything was going well it wasn’t until we moved in together that the emotional and physical abuse started.

i have a beautiful and healthy almost 5 year old from a previous relationship. i regret putting her through all of the horrible things she went through.

i found out i was pregnant in june of 2014. that was when the abuse had gotten really bad and police were involved. i couldn’t think of having a child being where i was at and it having a abusive father so my decision was an abortion. i was 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant. none of what i went through with him i don’t think i would be able to tell my family but thankful i had a supportive friend who’s was there for me through it all. i just remember the pain, cramping and bleeding and knew that it was for the best even though i never thought i would get an abortion. i still think about it and wonder what if but and end of the day i don’t feel guilt or pain. there are some days i feel sad and wonder what could’ve been but then i also think of all the pain and suffering it would’ve gone through. i know this is for the best .