

i was 28 years old and had a good husband and a beautiful three year old son. i had managed to get the job i always wanted, and finally this year looked prosperous and full of projects until the condom broke.

since my son was born, my husband and i used protection successfully. we were always careful and occasionally talked about the possibility of having another baby in a few years. the night the condom failed, i ran to the bathroom to clean myself and for a moment i thought i wouldn’t get pregnant. obviously i was wrong, because a few weeks later i did not get my period, and i took a test that was positive. my world collapsed, and i was sad to not know what to do. luckily the words of my husband encouraged me,”i support you in whatever you decide,” he said, and that’s how i contacted someone with access to misoprostol. i met the person secretly and bought the pills as if it were narcotics. i would have liked to not do it secretly, i would like for every woman to be able to abort freely without being judged for her choice.