
i had just had a baby in august. a beautiful baby girl. my pregnancy was far then smooth. i was in a abusive relationship and was homeless on and off. my daughter was born perfect though. i ended up getting pregnant again in december with the same abusive man.

i knew it would not be fair to my daughter to bring another baby into the world right now seeing that i have no income and just started college to better our future. i went  to a abortion clinic and i was shocked by how many woman there was in the clinic. the night before i had the procedure i cried so hard and prayed to god that he would hold my baby close and let them know how much i loved him. the day of the procedure they called me back the doctor was mean and the room was cold . it really hurt and i just felt numb afterwards. a few days letter i felt better. i still have the positive test and the ultrasound. i tell god to tell my baby i love him every night and i will see him eventually. i don’t regret the decision i made and i hope this gives some comfort to woman going through the same situation. i will always love my angel baby .