

i became pregnant when i was 19 in the spring of 1984. i never considered any other option than abortion. i was a college freshman just finishing my final exams and i knew that finishing college wouldn’t happen. plus i would have had to leave home and raise the child on my own. without an education and a decent income, this would have been selfish.

and to those who say i should have given the child up for adoption, i say no. again, pregnancy would have interfered with my studies and according to our constitution it’s still my body, my life and my choice.

i’m lucky in that i live in a city with unrestricted access to abortion. i was even able to schedule the procedure around my exams and continue working as well.

i have never ever regretted that decision. i do regret my carelessness in allowing myself to be so foolish as to get pregnant.

a woman doesn’t dance around singing and happy when she decides to have an abortion. it’s not an easy thing to do. but unfortunately for some it’s a necessity.

when i read about these new restrictions and how young women in places like texas may have to go out of state for an abortion, i’m appalled and grateful that i was able to do what i did.

now i want to help any way i can so they don’t have to suffer this way.