
it was the night before my first day of being a senior in highschool, just sixteen soon to turn seventeen a few weeks later, when i finally decided to stop being in denial and take a pregnancy test. turns out my worst fears were now reality. it’s shocking, it almost takes your breath away.

the morning of my first day of school i had to tell my mother, i knew i could not bring a child into this world and be able to give them what they deserve and i was fearful of the shame my family would have being a teenage mother. it was hard to confide in her i had never had that kind of bond with my mother. i had to do it quick though because my parents were soon leaving to go on a camping trip and it couldn’t wait that long. turns out she was easier to talk too than expected i soon learned that she too had the same thing happen to her around the same age and it was comforting to know that she knew what i was going through and how hard it was. i was on my own for two weeks. my boyfriend drove me to the clinic and took care of me and i’m thankful for that. not a day goes by that i don’t wonder, what if i kept them? would it have worked out? a year later after graduation even while now using birth control i soon found out i was again pregnant and today i am the mother of a three year old son who i couldn’t imagine living without. i don’t know if maybe he was my second chance, my sign to as where i need to go in life, but i took it and never looked back.