

i was changing health care programs and missed one month of birth control pills. my husband and i (we were married for only 6 months) later found out i was 6-weeks pregnant. i was a college student working a full-time internship earning $3000 a year. he was making a few hundred dollars a month as a telemarketer. we did not have any family nearby. neither of us were ready to take on a lifelong responsibility on our own.

i made an appointment the next day and a few days later, i went to a clinic. in the waiting room were single mothers holding down part-time jobs, college students – no one was happy to be there. we just knew we had to take responsibility.

i woke up in a chair after the abortion. i didn’t feel awful either physically or emotionally. this was just one of many hard decisions i would have to face in my life.

i have never regretted what we chose to do. we both found careers, bought our house and waited 9 years to have our children. we have two lovely children, a house, careers, college savings in the bank, etc… if we had a child at that point in our lives, we would never be where we are now.

i am very happy that i live in a country which allows my husband and i to make a decision that affects our lives as much as a child does. every woman should have this choice. i have never regretted mine.