

i was 22 when i started dating my current boyfriend. we quickly fell in love with each other and became inseparable. because of our close connection, i trusted the pull out method when we had sex. it wasn’t more than 3 months since we’d been having sex when i became pregnant, but i didn’t find out until almost 2 months (7 weeks to be precise) later.

i waited for my boyfriend to get off work and then rushed over to his house. by my texts, i think he already knew. i couldn’t find the stability to speak the words “i’m pregnant” so naturally i just cried. it was very difficult to admit i wanted an abortion but i was only a mere 8 months from getting my bachelor’s degree – which i had been working towards for almost 5 years.

i am very content with my decision although i still long to have kids when i’m in a stable situation (i.e. married and financially sound). the procedure itself was very quick and more uncomfortable than painful. i was by myself because my boyfriend could not get out of work but i’m almost glad he didn’t have to see me in that state. i was vulnerable but strangely strong and didn’t cry until a day later when the pain had become excruciating. i wish the doctor would have given me prescription pain meds but oh well. after a few days i was back to normal and today my boyfriend and i are closer than ever. i also take my birth control regularly and will continue to do so for atleast the next few years.