
when i was in my early 20s, i was in a relationship which had gone sour and was becoming emotionally abusive. it started out wonderfully, but mean people can’t hide their true selves for long.

i didn’t know what to do because i was in a new town and this person was my only friend. i knew i needed to get out of the relationship, but i wasn’t ready yet because i knew it would get ugly. in fact, months later, when i did end it, i had to call the police because this guy threatened me and got very scary. when i found out i was pregnant despite using condoms, i knew im世界杯2022亚洲预选赛b组 tely i could not parent a child in these circumstances. i was also very broke and a college student barely making ends meet as it was. i decided to have an abortion, and was lucky to live in an area where all i had to do was make a call and show up with $250. my boyfriend was decent enough to take me to the clinic and share the cost of the procedure. i had an ultrasound and the image of that little 8 week gestational age embryo is bored into my mind. i don’t regret my choice at all, and now that i am happily married, a mother, and a productive person in society, i shudder to think of how things could have turned out if i had that baby. i did take sex more seriously after that. you kind of have to. i vowed to never again sleep with someone who scared me or i didn’t think i could trust.