

i had an abortion at 15, without my parents knowledge or consent.

in england i had the right to an abortion without my parents consent because i was old enough to make my own mind and the two doctors who agreed to it felt i knew what i was doing and making the right decision.

i did make the right decision.

see, so many people are disgusted that a child can have a medical procedure without a legal guardian being informed, but please read my reasons to having this termination and not telling anyone.

i was irresponsible, 15 and drunk. i was at a party and lost my virginity to a guy, who i’d only met a handful of times. of course, my mum new nothing of this. i come from a very religious, very strict family. i was expected to follow in my mothers footsteps of celibacy (no sexual interaction or even sexual thoughts until marriage).

i’m not religious, i am not my mother and i wanted to break free. but i did not want to get pregnant.

no we did not use protection,
no we did not know each other very well,
and no, i was not forced.

to all those who say i should have ‘faced the consequences’ of my actions. believe me, i did. abortion is not the easy way out, i was 15, i repeat, 15, and i faced it all on my own.

an abortion hurts, physically, it does hurt. i threw up constantly for a week, i bled for about 3 weeks and i dealt with it on my own.

i had the emotional trauma, the fact my family were against abortion, the fact my mums church preached against, the fact i felt like a murderer. i constantly thought about what i’d done, but in all honestly, if i could go back, i’d do it again.

abortion was the right choice for me, it was the right decision and now i’m doing a fine art degree at university, something which i would not have achieved if i’d had not had the abortion, as my parents . now, i’m pregnant, i’m 27 weeks and i’m having a little boy. i’m so excited to be a mother, because now,i want a child and will love and care for my boy to the best of my ability.

i’m not married and i no longer have contact with my parents, but that’s not so bad now, because i’m old enough and mature enough to cope without them, at 15, i wasn’t ready.

i have the utmost respect for young mums but please don’t judge my decision to have an abortion.