
my name is jenn. i am 23 going on 24. i love kids. i’ve always wanted kids. i knew i would be a great mother after my niece was born in 2011. i had helped my brother and his wife raise both of their kids.

in 2012 i moved to texas with my then fiance for work reasons. after 4 months he got laid off and we moved back to washington where we had originally met. shortly after moving back, i found out i was pregnant. at the time, i had just gotten both of my old jobs back, commuting to both jobs without a car, and was trying to get our lives back together after pouring our savings into moving expenses and bills that were past due.

as much as i wanted a child, i knew that i was not financially ready, he was not stable, and in some ways i knew he was not the person i wanted to father my kids. i wanted to finish school to become a medical assistant, and i also had mountains of debt.

at 7 weeks i had a medical abortion at planned parenthood.

i was super upset, ashamed, and hurt. i grew up promising myself i would never do this and it was wrong.

there are some things you cannot be against until you are in that position. like abortion. i thought i was completely against it until i was in the situation. another reason why i did this is because i didn’t want to be another single mom (the father would of left) depending on the state to raise my child. i do not want to deny my child a good life.

i lost some friends, became depressed, and lied to some people that i had a miscarriage. now, i tell people about it and share my story with whoever i can. in the end, my ex fiance and i broke up, and he had landed me in more debt i could imagine. i couldnt put a child thru that.

i am 1 in 3. i am proud of my choice. if anyone tries to shame you for considering an abortion, dont listen to them. make this choice for you.