

my story is really a story of beginnings. i had just met the most amazing man. the man of my dreams. we were 2 peas in a pod. in fact, i liked him so much i didn’t have sex with him for weeks. well lo and behold the first time out of the gates and apparently we got knocked up.

this is a good time to let you know that i was 31 at the time of the pregnancy, i had just recovered from a seemingly insurmountable debt left me by a thieving ex. and most importantly, i never wanted children. ever. i mean i didn’t even play pretend wedding as a kid and i hated my dollies. i had no maternal desires. i loved children as long as they were other people’s. i knew in my heart no matter how much i loved this man that i didn’t want a child. i also knew that i couldn’t live my life knowing that child was being raised by someone else. he came with me to a local planned parenthood and we confirmed our suspicions. since we hadn’t reached the 8 week mark we had a medical abortion. this was a harrowing experience through which my partner lovingly cared for an supported me. we did it together. it was best for everyone including the life that didn’t exist. i am 1 in 3 and i don’t regret it one bit. it’s my body and my choice.