

i thought i got pregnant with my boyfriend, and we agreed that neither of us could take care of a child. he was about to go to prison anyway. as selfish as it seemed, i decided to get an abortion because i could not handle giving away my first-born child at 19.

my urge proved a sort-of spiritual intuition when i discovered at the ultra sound that i became pregnant the night of a party where i was roofied. i concluded that i had been date-raped by a stranger. if i had not gone to that clinic, i would have never realized this. in a sense, i felt that “god” had guided me. the abortion itself was not an easy process, but it made me more aware of my environment(s) and sexual activity. it was a life-changing experience that inspires me to motivate young-adults to be more mindful of their surroundings and lifestyle habits. there is a light at the end of the tunnel.